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Why Should You Have Your Ducts Cleaned?

12/16/2013 Back To Blog

Residential duct cleaning is usually off most people’s radar, which means they do not know when or if they should have their ducts cleaned.   By contrast, large industrial complexes will have air duct maintenance built into their corporate and industrial plans because they know the hazards that clogged air ducts can cause.  Industrial systems usually are much larger, moving more air and have the potential to have many more flammable or problematic chemicals entering the air ducts. Since homeowner’s concerns are different from industrial concerns, how does a homeowner know when to have an HVAC air duct cleaning?Residental Air Duct Cleaning 24/7 Services


HVAC unit cleaning

If you have air quality testing done in your home, which is most likely to occur if you have a family member with asthma, allergies, COPD or other lung ailments, and the testing gives you an unacceptable result, you should consider a thorough HVAC unit cleaning as part of your campaign against contaminants.  As part of that cleaning, your contractor should also clean your air ducts.  Removing dust, allergen and mold particles from your air duct system helps lessen the amount of indoor air pollution in your home. 


If you can look into your ducts and tell that they are dirty, then you probably should arrange for a cleaning as well.  While you will certainly hope and expect that doing so will help your air quality to improve, what is certain is that cleared air ducts can help your HVAC run much more efficiently, saving you money on energy.


If you look up at one of your registers and see two eyes of something living blinking back at you, you definitely need your ducts cleaned.  You also need to discuss with your contractor the names of exterminators that can rid you of the infestation before the cleaning is done.  Air Duct Cleaners Highland Park can discuss this issue with you. 


If you have suffered damage to your house from a fire, flood or storm where water could have entered the HVAC duct system or a duct could have broken or been punctured, you also need to have your ducts inspected, then if necessary, cleaned or repaired as needed.

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